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anyone know how to get the intermediate shaft out of an old 16" backgeared Cincinnati shaper.

I have one and was finally able to put power to it via a 5 hp briggs stratton, but I think the big gear that engages when in backgear is in backwards as it hits the yoke ( think thats what its called)

Will post some pictures probably in the morning to damn hot to take em at the moment.
[Image: 2013-07-07163237.jpg]

[Image: 2013-07-07163245.jpg]

[Image: 2013-07-07163219.jpg]
was able to get the gear out and turned it around, now it clears the yoke so the shaper will make a full stroke without hitting anything. need to figure out how to mount the Briggs so I can tighten up the drive belt with some type of over center cam setup.

the electric motor that is on the shaper in the above picture is no good bad bearings or something, wish it ran since its a 3 HP single phase motor.
(07-09-2013, 12:35 PM)dallen Wrote: [ -> ]the electric motor that is on the shaper in the above picture is no good bad bearings or something, wish it ran since its a 3 HP single phase motor.

Can't you replace the bearings?

Ed I probably could, but I don't think thats all thats wrong with it, it was pulled off of an air handler by a friend that does heat and air work.

maybe later when moneys not so tight.

Nice shaper Dallen. Wish I could find one that size around here. My little Logan is usable but that one has some beef to it.
On my sawmill I built an arm with a flat roller on it for a tensioner, it engages the back of the belt. I have another arm (old water pump handle) with a rod to the tensioner arm. The engagement handle goes over centre to tighten the belt.
[Image: IMGP0020.jpg]
I'm going to take the electric motor off and make a mount so I can mount the gas engine onto the motor plate and rig some sort of cam between the plate and the transmission. will post pictures when I have it done, too D#$m hot right now with it hitting a hundred outside, and the shaper is sittting on the driveway.

I don't really need this one, I also have a 7 inch Delta, but its too small for a keyway job that if I can get this one to run may make me a dollar or two cutting keyway's in a couple capstans for a guys anchor winch.

if someone has a photo or knows where I can view one that is a better photo then this one that I found on the internet of the table advance I sure need to look at one as the one on my shaper is missing and I need and idea of what I need to do to make something that will work, would like to hit pretty close to the original.

after a lengthy search of the internet and finding only the picture in my last post that shows the feed pawl I started today making my own design in hopes of getting the table feed to work on the Old Iron Horse that I have.

heres a picture of what I got done today.

So you're going to be casting one? What material? I would think it would need to be made from some type of steel. Chin

original was cast from cast iron. once I know the wood is shaped correctly I'll probably cast it out of aluminum, I think it will work find may have to put in a steel or bronze sleeve where it rides on the feed screw but there is actually not a lot of pressure on it unless you run the table into the ends of the table ways so that it can't move.

If the alumium one comes out ok, I'll then make one out of cast iron, its a lot easier to find the bugs in a new pattern with aluminum then it is with 10 or 15 pounds of hot melted cast iron that your trying to pour down a 3/4 inch hole.

Your right on one point Ed, it would be a lot easier to make it from steel I could just weld up a few bits and pieces but where's the fun in that.
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