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Full Version: having trouble cutting a taper
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That's how i do it too just some bluing and if it doesn't wobble and the bluing is wore off normal its good to go...Bob
Ahhh, yes, but that's only if the cutting forces don't change with diameter but they do and they do a lot, so what happens is the taper changes to a steeper angle at the mouth for example, then further in the forces increase, increasing the diameter again changing the taper and making it hourglass shaped, that's why everything matters from tool clearances and rake to centre height to the over hang of the compound slide.

There is a reason why tapers cause so much fear among hobbyists, and grinding causes less drama because the machines are more rigid, the cutting forces lower and the tools don't have clearance or rake, but rather they are tangential and as the machines are made to do the job centre height is always right.

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